Natural Channel Systems Conference 2018
University of Guelph, 23rd-25th May 2018
Sustaining Connectivity: Exploring the Importance of Connectivity in Systems, Knowledge, Practice and Policy
At the 6th Natural Channel Conference we will explore Sustaining Connectivity – linking knowledge through generations, practice among disciplines, policy amidst practitioners, and science across the landscape. In 2018 we will take a multidisciplinary look at natural channel systems with a widened view of cause and effect, employing the knowledge of past work with present research to connect the landscape to the channel.
This conference is geared to practitioners, academics, policy makers and other stakeholders from government, conservation authorities, consulting firms and environmental organizations. It will provide an avenue to discuss, share and learn new science, policy, practices and academic research. In line with the theme, we encourage all disciplines to join the conversation to make connections professionally, in knowledge, and in practice.
Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extension December 4th
Thank you to all those you submitted an abstract to present at the 2018 Natural Channel System Conference. The Committee is excited more than ever for the coming proceedings. Along with the submissions, we received many requests to extend the abstract deadline. In understanding the significant pressures that come with finalizing end of year tasks, the Committee is happy to extend the abstract submission deadline to December 4, 2017.
As a reminder, the Committee is seeking abstracts on new ideas, approaches and projects in the following subject areas:
- Collaborative Design
- Communications
- Economics
- Environmental Flows
- Innovation
- Monitoring and Lessons Learned
- Policy and Regulation
- Resilience
- Urban Hydro-modification
A description and example topics for each session can be found on the conference website under “Call for Abstracts”. You will also find more information on the conference, presentation formats, and instructions on how to submit your abstract. Please send questions and completed abstracts to
Many thanks,
Natural Channel System Conference Committee
Volunteer Opportunities - Application Deadline December 1st
We are looking for people to help us prepare for the 2018 conference as well as to support the event itself. The conference sub committees that require additional support include:
- Communications - support the communications lead in developing a communications plan, take a lead on social media for the conference or help develop content for conference newsletters
- Sponsorship - work with the conference organizers to solicit sponsorship opportunities
- Living Lab - assist the committee in finding exhibits to showcase as part of the living lab, help to set up or run equipment on the day or develop your own ideas
- Entertainment / Social - perhaps you in a band and want to entertain us at the ice breaker or know someone who can, perhaps you know Guelph well and can help us prepare some ideas of places to go or things to do for people visiting the city for the conference
- Program - we are looking for one person to assist each session lead in reviewing abstracts
- Organize a site tour - do you have an example of a project site within driving distance to Guelph that you would like to showcase?
- Other - general conference assistance, set-up, registration desk, etc.
To register your interest to volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Opportunities form. In addition to competing this form, we ask that you please also send your resume to to help us evaluate the best fit for volunteer applicants. If you have ideas to share at this stage please feel free to include them in the email.
Once you have registered interest, a committee member will contact you to discuss your role.
Contact Us
For any questions, please contact:
Karen Anderson
Conference Coordinator, 6th Conference on Natural Channel Systems
1‑888‑274‑1364 ext. 103