Natural Channel Systems Conference 2018
University of Guelph, 23rd-25th May 2018
Sustaining Connectivity: Exploring the Importance of Connectivity in Systems, Knowledge, Practice and Policy
The 2018 conference will provide an avenue to discuss new science, practices and academic research. This event will provide the opportunity for sharing and evolving our understanding of the importance, complexity, and interconnectedness of watercourses, and their relationship with hydrological, geomorphological, chemical and ecological processes.
Don't Miss out on Our Awesome Line-Up of Events!!
- Kick off with our Ice-Breaker evening reception at the University of Guelph’s Bullring
- Two full days of concurrent sessions, panels and workshops
- Three keynote speakers
- Our acclaimed Wine and Cheese Networking Event in Exhibit Hall
- Student poster session
- Living lab
- Exhibit hall
- NEW THIS YEAR – Young Professional Social will take place prior to the Ice-Breaker reception. Watch for further details in upcoming newsletters.
- NEW THIS YEAR – Training Day! 3 learning opportunities available on Wednesday May 23rd.
Help Us Compile a Resource List
The NCS team is compiling a list of resources (guidelines, legislation, technical documents, mapping/data, training courses, conference/networking opportunities) that may be beneficial to the stream corridor restoration community. To make this list as complete as possible, we need YOUR input – please share links, document titles, and/or documents to help build the resource list/ webpage. Please send to by March 31st.
Program Is Available for Viewing and Registration Is OPEN
Wednesday May 23rd is Training Day!
Visit the Preliminary Program section of the website for details on the concurrent sessions. NEW THIS YEAR – a day of training and tour opportunities has been added.
- Natural Channel Design Principles, including a tour
- Class 2 Backpack Electrofishing Certification Course (limited spaces available)
- Sediment Transport and Open Channel Hydraulics, including a tour (limited spaces available)
You will be able to register for these opportunities as part of the Conference Registration process.
Don't Miss out on Our Registration Discounts
Early Bird - Don’t miss the early bird rate! Save $100 when registering for the Two Day Registration Package prior to the early bird deadline of Monday April 16, 2018.
NGO and Students – special rates are offered to qualifying NGO’s and full time students.
Sign up for all 3 days and get an additional discount. Delegates registered for May 24th and 25th who are also participating in one of May 23rd training day events can receive an additional discount of $25 (delegate) and $10 (NGO and Student).
Visit the Registration section of the website for full details on packages and rates offered.

Please note: Sessions selection for May 24th and 25th are mandatory fields during the registration process (for room logistics only). Please view the preliminary program for details and time of sessions prior to entering the registration system. During the conference, you are welcome to attend alternative sessions.
For Accommodations and Parking Information click here.
Sponsorship and Exhibiting Opportunities Still Available
It’s Time to Showcase Your Line of Products, Services, and Recent Innovations
Exhibiting at the Natural Channels Conference enables you to cost-effectively reach your audience. Delegates are always looking for new information, products, and services to improve their operations—ensure that they do business with you by contracting a booth today or sponsoring one of our conference events.
Please consider supporting the 6th Natural Channel Systems Conference and visit the Sponsorships and Exhibiting section of the website for more information.
Let's All Promote
We ask for your assistance with our marketing efforts to increase traffic to this event. Below are the ways in which you can help us promote this year’s event.
- Post the Natural Channels logo on your website and link it to . Please request the logo from Mario Maillet (
- Add Natural Channels Conference to your website Calendar of Events – May 23-25, 2018 at the University of Guelph
- Include this newsletter in your upcoming newsletters, announcements or emails
- Promote this event through Social Media networking - Let your members, colleagues, fans and followers know you are participating at the Natural Channels Conference by using #naturalchannels.
- Write a blog or an article mentioning Natural Channels and email us a copy and we will add it to our website and provide a link in our newsletters.
Contact Us
For any questions, please contact:
Karen Anderson
Conference Coordinator, 6th Conference on Natural Channel Systems
1‑888‑274‑1364 ext. 103